Source: Thanks for listening to this FREE episode of my Podcast, Hughes From The Heart. My intention with Hughes From The Heart is to provide daily, inspirational and motivating content on topics such as health and wellness, mindfulness, the Law of Attraction, minimalism, the power of the mind, self…
In a sea of media outlets pouring on the doom and gloom for ratings explosions, my Podcast is like a gentle friend to help keep the calm and the sanity and the perspective. Come join me today. Daily podcasts on health and wellness, mindfulness, minimalism, meditation, the Law of Attraction,…
Source: Thanks for listening to this FREE episode of my Podcast, Hughes From The Heart. My intention with Hughes From The Heart is to provide daily, inspirational and motivating content on topics such as health and wellness, mindfulness, the Law of Attraction, minimalism, the power of the mind, self…
Source: This is Episode 3 of Everyday People, a brand new FREE segment of my Hughes From The Heart Podcast. Each episode is an interview with a fellow everyday person trying to get through all the emotions and stresses and life changing circumstances stemming from the Coronavirus pandemic. Future…
Source: This is a brand new FREE segment on Hughes From The Heart which will focus on everyday people sharing their stories about what is going on in their personal world and their views on different aspects of life. Initially, the topic will be Coronavirus and how it has…
Source: This is the DEBUT segment of a FREE Podcast episode I want to make available to everyone so that we may share our stories together about this unprecedented time in our history. It's a way for us to share our feelings, fears, frustrations, and hopes regarding this pandemic…
Source: There's a lot of fear out there and I am doing all I can to present you with content that will increase vigilance while minimizing fear. Vigilance can save your life. Fear just wears you down, physically and mentally and emotionally and never accomplishes much. If you like…
Source: STOP PANICKING OVER THE CORONAVIRUS!! The mass media WANTS you to FREAK THE EFF OUT, and many of you ARE!! You're becoming their puppets whether you realize it or not!! EDUCATE yourselves. Be CAUTIOUS but don't lose your COMMON SENSE!! And if you like what you hear, please…
Now is the time to join my Positivity Podcast, Hughes From The Heart. Daily adventures in health and wellness, mindfulness, minimalism, the Law of Attraction, the power of the subconscious mind, and news stories of good people doing good things in a good world. Become a Family member at
Source: Tony Milanowski's non-profit Toys That Make Smiles brings countless smiles to kids in Washington State hospitals through the magic of handmade wooden toys. Please help them out anyway that you can at and on their social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And if you like what…
THIS is dedication to my dream of building Hughes From The Heart into something big and wonderful and life changing for my subscribers. Please come join it TODAY! Go to and click “Become a Patron” today. I appreciate you!
One of my favorite places after the radio show for breakfast or lunch is Nita’s of Shelton. Please go visit #TeamBlush at Nita’s at 325 Railroad Avenue in Shelton, Washington. Their number is 360-426-6143 if you want to call in ahead or place a To Go order. Tell them Spencer…
Jennifer Parker asked a great question: “Why does someone who is kind to through so much garbage?” I share with you my personal thoughts. Please join the Hughes From The Heart Podcast today at
There is music in the rain when we stop to listen. Our external world is a reflection of our inner world. Please join me on my quest for positivity by joining my Podcast today: I’m eternally grateful for the support. 🌞🙏❤️
Source: This is the time many people set resolutions and goals for the months and year ahead. But one of the pitfalls we all face is the tendency to slip back into bad habits. How do we avoid doing this? That's the subject of today's FREE Hughes From The…
Through no fault of our own, we have all been hypnotized and programmed by parents, siblings, peers, institutions, and the culture at large. We are more products of our environment than we’d like to admit.
Source: Chances are there's a good amount of sickness around the house and office this time of year especially. Here are some practical food suggestions for staying healthy during the flu season! If you like what you hear, please show your support for my Positivity Podcast, Hughes From The…
People are too tightly wound up these days. It’s sad when people are shocked because you’re kind to them.
Source: Kindness changes the world. Don't ever forget it! A couple gave a car to a Denny's waitress who had been walking hours and miles each day to get to work. Don't ever underestimate the power of a kind gesture! If you like what you hear, please show your…
Source: I've lost my first 10 pounds by doing nothing more than being mindful of what I put in my mouth, the amount of calories I consume and burn, and the portion size I serve myself! This is simple, but not easy at first. It involves being honest and…
Source: Just wanted to let you know my Podcast now has its own Facebook page. Come check it out and hang out, too. It's at Thank you, as always!